6min : 42sec
This film was made using Unreal Engine 5 as an experiment to take an idea from conception to completion with almost no budget and only a handful of people. Cinemotion Capture and UE5 made it possible.
Starring Scott Barrett, Mark Strohman
Genres Action, Adventure, Comedy
Tags Action, Adventure, Horror
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What is it?
Cinemotion’s founder is Scott Barrett, a filmmaker with decades of experience across the spectrum of Indie to Hollywood Blockbuster. He launched and directed “The Electric Playground“, a TV series about the video game industry, directed many short action films and commercials, and also worked in the effects department on the Harry Potter, Matrix and Star Wars films. Six years ago he started with Unreal Engine for game making and virtual production.
The new digital filmmaking tools are undeniably compelling. Digital production is completely changing how we make movies. It is magic hour all year long in the Unreal Engine canvas.
Story is still king though, so instead of just running tech demos Scott’s first effort is Dark Side: EP 1 Chrome Armor, one of the first of many films designed to take these tools for a walk, while providing an entertaining story that begs to be watched.
Cinemotion hopes to inspire new filmmakers. To help STORYTELLERS understand these new technologies and show them how they can be used to tell their story, to breathe life into their characters and to capture and entertain their audience.
We could not be more excited.
Very recently the incredible Unreal Engine has made spectacular strides forward for digital filmmakers. Metahumans, Lumen and Nanite are just a few of the features that are bringing Hollywood production to the doorstep of storytellers around the world. Parallel to these developments, AI has exploded in new and unpredictable ways that have also provided invaluable tools to the digital filmmaker. One in particular, Move.ai, has truly democratized the previously out-of-reach motion capture industry and allowed anywhere filmmakers to move their digital characters with something as basic as their smartphones.
What’s going on over there?
In short, we’re very busy.
Cinemotion spends their days and nights moving parallel projects forward as fast as possible.
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